How To Be Mastering Kingsoft Office / Suite#1 Download Software

As application for office job, Kingsoft Office consist of:
  • Writer, 
  • Spreadsheet
  • Presentation

Now Kingsoft office 2013 have user friendly interface and make this software good to be looked at. In this version, we can save work letters to pdf format. It's free. No pay. And the other feature that come from this version is we can chang the interface to classic.

For explore this software, click here to download.

How To Be Mastering Command Prompt #11 COLOR

COLOR is used to set the default console foreground and background colors.


COLOR [attr]

Attr    Specifies color attribute of console output

Color attributes are specified by two hex digits, the first corresponds to the background, the second the foreground. Digit:
0  = Black             8  = Gray
1  = Blue              9  = Light Blue
2  =  Green            A  = Light Green
3  = Aqua              B  = Light Aqua
4  = Red               C  = Light Red
5  = Purple            D  = Light Purple
6  = Yellow            E  = Light Yellow
7  = White             F  = Bright White

If no arguments given, this command restore the color to what it was when cmd.exe started.

For example:
Set background color to blue and foreground the light yellow -> COLOR 1E

Picture 1. Bacground the blue (1) and foreground the bright yellow (E)

Set background color to red and foreground the light blue -> COLOR 49

Picture 2. Blue in red

Just that, I hope this tutorial is useful for you. Thank for your visiting. Please type your      comments for this tutorial..

How To Be Mastering Command Prompt #10 CLS

CLS is used to clear screen in command prompt. To use it, just type CLS and then Enter.


Picture 1. The screen before typing CLS

Picture 2. The screen after typed CLS

Just that, I hope this tutorial is useful for you. Thank for your visiting. Please type your      comments for this tutorial..